The Solar Circadian Clock App is developed to help us sync our mind and body to its natural state – when we were influenced by the solar patterns on Earth. The app also shows you the ideal time to go to bed, wake up, and eat your meals as we have evolved to. You can find the solar & circadian times for your current GPS location, or another city. The app then calculates and displays the following information: - Solar Midnight (Start of Day) - Twilight Start - Sunrise - SolarNoon - Sunset - Twilight End - Solar Midnight (End of Day) - Deepest Sleep - Rise In Blood Pressure - Melatonin Secretion Stops - Bowel Movement Likely - Highest Testosterone Secretion - High Alertness - Best Coordination - Fastest Reaction Time - Greatest Cardiovascular Muscle Strength - Highest Blood Pressure - Highest Body Temperature - Melatonin Secretion Starts - Bowel Movement Suppressed - Optimal Wake Time - Optimal Bed Time - Optimal Breakfast Time - Optimal Lunch Time - Optimal Dinner Time The meal times focus on your circadian rhythm and your natural metabolism. The sleep times give you 7-9 hours of sleep, in sync with your circadian rhythm for the optimal rest.